The Morning’s Top 5 Pop Culture Stories


1. Erykah Badu is understandably pissed about that unedited version of the “The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face” video that the Flaming Lips posted earlier this week. “Even with ‘Window Seat’ there was a method and thought process involved,” she tweeted at Wayne Coyne. “I have not one need for publicity. I just love artistic dialogue. And just because an image is shocking does not make it art.” [via Pitchfork]

2. Apparently Kermit the Frog would like to work with Skrillex even though he has never heard his music. “We don’t get electronic music in the swamp,” he told The Telegraph. “There’s something about electricity and water that just doesn’t mix. [via NME]

3. In case you missed Neil Patrick Harris’ appearance on last night’s Colbert Report, here’s a clip of them discussing why theater should be an Olympic event.

4. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama both appeared in the opening skit of last night’s Country Music Television Awards, and you might be surprised by which which one of them was funnier. [via Daily Intel]

5. Christian Marclay’s extremely popular, 24-hour video installation The Clock will arrive at Lincoln Center’s David Rubenstein Atrium on July 13th, where it will screen for free at select times through August 1st. Check out a schedule here.

Bonus Buzz: I Was A Teenage Shoplifter