Guessing Game: Match the Musician to the Strange Rider Demand


Musicians are a notoriously fussy bunch — and nowhere is that clearer than in their tour riders. These bizarre documents can be both totally off-putting and strangely revealing. Perhaps that’s why we can’t help but page through each new rider The Smoking Gun posts. If you’re equally addicted, then this guessing game is for you. After the jump, match the ridiculous (wildly expensive foreign cars) and semi-heartbreaking (prunes) demands with the artist who made them.

Two boxes of corn starch: “(VERY IMPORTANT!)” Answer: Nine Inch Nails

Archipelago Black Forest candles Answer: Rihanna

A private, 25-30′ x 10′ “running area” Answer: The Rolling Stones

“Assortment of adult magazines (i.e. Penthouse, Playboy)” Answer: Guns ‘n Roses

8 Fererro Rocher chocolates Answer: M.I.A.

“Late Model Black Mayback [sic] 57 or 62 with tinted windows” Answer: Jay-Z

A physician primed to administer a B-12 injection to the artist Answer: Prince

“Prunes in juice” Answer: Van Morrison

A wig room Answer: Cher

“Small chafing dish with freshly steamed corn (not on the cob, and with butter on the side)” Answer: KISS

Highlight the black boxes for the answers.