Are you having trouble coming up with your summer anthem? Can’t decide whether you should follow the New York Post‘s advice and swear beach-fun allegiance to Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” or WAVVES’ “Post Acid”? Well, never fear: We are here to help you find your “song of the summer” with a totally unscientific personality test! Whether you are a Gorilla vs. Bear enthusiast or just got your braces removed, click through and take our quiz to learn the perfect song to listen to under the sun.
1. What’s your favorite summer activity? A. Listening to Death Cab for Cutie on the way to the mall. B. Texting all your friends about how you hope some cute boy/girl is in your homeroom next year. C. (No need to read this answer, you always choose “C” on tests.) D. Attending an opening for a special exhibit of Poloroid photos. E. Going to the diner to get a milkshake right before heading to “The Hop.”
2. What do you want to be when you grow up? A. The lead singer in an indie band who also directs and star in an indie movie and marries a boy/girl just like Michael Cera/Zooey Deschanel while still being rich. B. The new Hannah Montana. C. (No need to read this answer, you always choose “C” on tests.) D. Anything that doesn’t involve “corporate culture,” just as long as I can afford four walls and adobe slats (for my girls). E. Businessman/housewife.
3. What is your favorite magazine? A. Spin B. J-14 C. (No need to read this answer, you always choose “C” on tests.) D. The New Yorker, but publishing is dead. Mostly just read blogs… E. Time
Who is the current President of the United States? A. Barack Obama B. Justin Bieber C. (No need to read this answer, you always choose “C” on tests.) D. President Barack Obama E. Lyndon Johnson
5. Lady Gaga? A. Hells yes! B. She is so pretty and talented! C. (No need to read this answer, you always choose “C” on tests) I’m more of a Ke$ha fan. D. Who? E. Yeah, who?
If you answered mostly A’s: You’re just learning about indie music!
Your song: She & Him – “In the Sun”
(500) Days of Summer, indeed!
If you answered mostly B’s: You just had your braces removed!
Your song: Katy Perry – “California Gurls”
All this sugary and chewy goodness comes just in time for those now metal- and wire-free teeth!
If you answered mostly C’s: You didn’t pay too much attention in school!
Your song: Usher (feat. – “OMG”
This song features and is entitled “OMG.” Merriam and Webster are shuddering in their graves.
If you answered mostly D’s: You are a Gorilla Vs Bear enthusiast!
Your song: Cults – “Go Outside”
We know staying at the absolute apex of cool takes countless hours spent on the internet, but really: GO OUTSIDE once in a while!
If you answered mostly E’s: You are stuck in 1965!
Your song: The Shangri-Las – “Give Him A Great Big Kiss”
It may not be as zeitgeisty as Cults, but this is one summer jam that never goes out of style.
BONUS! If you thought you were too cool for our quiz or were wondering where the ironically ridiculous answer choice was the whole time… You are a Hipster Runoff fanatic!
Your song: WAVVES – “Post Acid”
Lately, Carles has been the number one source for WAVVES-related content, following his current “meme-cycle” in preparation for King of the Beach while also covering the relationship he’s in with girlfriend Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast. Now that Carles fans have some brand-new chillwavves to embrace, this is certainly their song of the summer.