What’s on at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we flipped out over Weeels, an extremely helpful new iPhone app that’s dedicated to cab sharing in New York City. We chortled over the fact that Micheal Jackson [sic] was a trending topic on Twitter — thanks in part to Taylor Swift. We strongly disagreed with Woody Allen about his six favorite Woody Allen movies. We were impressed by the gams on this 3-year-old bionic cat from the UK. We were reminded where vintage clothes come from — at least in many cases. We wanted to be drinking a beer with Bill Clinton and Carlos Bocanegra, too. We took a look inside of the American Apparel Dress Code Manual, and were surprised to discover that it comes with pretty pictures. We downloaded the new of Montreal mp3. We were on Team Gaga in the great President Obama vs. Lady Gaga Facebook followers competition. And finally, we decided that if we did have a car, and that car was a truck, then we’d definitely put a recliner in the back of it. Safety be damned.