Guessing Game: Celebrities as Mad Men Characters


It’s a good time to be a Mad Men fanatic. The show premieres July 25, and in preparation for the big event, AMC has updated its popular, maddeningly addictive Mad Men Yourself game. Because it’s the Friday before a holiday weekend and we wanted an excuse to spend the afternoon messing around with it, we’ve put together a little guessing game in hopes of creating yet another outlet for your idle procrastination. We’ve Mad Men-ized pictures of eight current celebrities. Guess who they are and check your answers after the jump.


Lady Gaga. The background reminds us of the “Poker Face” video.


“Betty, I’m really happy for you, and I’ma let you finish, but you have some of the worst emotional problems of all time. OF ALL TIME! I kinda relate to you…” Yes, it’s Kanye.


Tina Fey. Fifty years ago, Liz Lemon would totally have been a Peggy.


And Katy Perry would totally have tried to be Joan. But she isn’t fooling anyone.


Justin Bieber could entertain at the Sterling Cooper Christmas party.


Lindsay Lohan could drink Don Draper under the table.


Robert Pattinson. Back in the ’60s, before Edward Cullen was on the mainstream radar, Peggy was a proto-Twihard.


Snooki teaches WASP Betty how to make SAUCE.