Video of the Day: Uncle Jesse Plays with the Beach Boys


No, this isn’t a clip from that episode of Full House where DJ won tickets to a Beach Boys concert everyone in the family tried to bribe her to come along. This is footage from last night’s show at Coney Island, which was part of the free Seaside Summer Concert Series. Click through to watch guest drummer John Stamos play “Little Surfer Girl” with the band — and Mike Love make a crack about needing a nap. (Unfortunately, we couldn’t find video of the joke Love made about bedding Stamos’ mom back in the ’60s.) Uncle Jesse fans take note: He’ll also be joining the Beach Boys at upcoming gigs in Westbury, NY, Baltimore, and Vienna, VA.

The band also played “Forever”— remember, the song that Uncle Jesse sang to Aunt Becky at their wedding? As Stamos, who recently went through a messy extortion trial involving cocaine and strippers, explained to E!, “You know when you’re at the dentist and they tell you to think of happy thoughts? Or if you’re in a situation that is not so happy? Well, my happy thoughts last week were Beach Boys. I was thinking of playing music. There is nothing more cathartic for me and nothing makes me more happy than to get behind the drums and play. So when I got home [from the trial], I immediately cleared my schedule this week.”