Titanic II + 5 More Awesomely Bad Straight-to-Video Sequels


Stop the presses! There’s a Titanic sequel in the works! No, James Cameron isn’t involved, and neither are Leo or Kate. But that’s no reason to miss Titanic II, a film about — we kid you not — a disaster on a modern-day ship created in tribute to history’s most famous sinking ship. (Sorry, Mel Gibson, you’re still #2.) And here we thought this was the one blockbuster that was virtually sequel-proof! The follow up comes to us courtesy of The Asylum, a production company that has made countless sequels you haven’t heard of to movies you know well. Not familiar with them? Watch the so-bad-it’s-funny Titanic II trailer and teasers for five more incredibly awful-sounding unauthorized sequels and spinoffs after the jump.

Titanic II

Snakes on a Train That’s right: This is a low-budget sequel to a faux B-movie that didn’t even succeed as camp. “Meta” enough to make your fake blood-covered head spin.

The Da Vinci Treasure For Dan Brown fans who weren’t satisfied with 25 hours of Tom Hanks playing an action hero.

War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave Another one you wouldn’t peg as having much sequel potential.

18-Year-Old Virgin The title isn’t quite as eye-catching as The 40-Year-Old Virgin, and we can’t imagine the content is much more than an American Pie/soft porn mash-up. But the trailer is slightly clever…

Sunday School Musical We hoped this would be a hilarious, Saved!-style High School Musical spoof. Instead, it’s like High School Musical but with extra Jesus. Heaven help us all.