A collaboration between indie superstars Animal Collective and filmmaker Danny Perez, ODDSAC pairs the band’s original music with surreal imagery to create a unique work that’s equal parts eerie and sumptuous.
Animal Collective have designated ODDSAC — which comes out August 10th on DVD — a “visual album,” and, true to that label, it plays more like a concept record than a narrative film or series of music videos. What unites the songs (besides staticky intermezzos) is an aesthetic that’s both lushly colorful and achingly discordant. In fact, fans expecting an upbeat, pop-psych reprise of last year’s Merriweather Post Pavilion may be surprised at ODDSAC‘s dark core.
Visit the official ODDSAC website, read our interview with Danny Perez, follow the film on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, and pre-order (for $5 off and a free poster) the gorgeous package — which includes the DVD, a hardcover art book, and the soundtrack.
Click through below for a gallery of mesmerizing images from the film.
Courtesy of Swiss Dots
Courtesy of Swiss Dots
Courtesy of Swiss Dots
Courtesy of Swiss Dots
Photo by Katherine Sheehan