A necklace that doubles as a book hanger and comes in three lengths. We just wouldn’t recommend trying it with Moby Dick. BookhangerNeckChain, $33
If only we’d had these back in high school, we might have gotten a 5 on that AP exam. Educational Chemistry Crayons, $30
A MacBook that’s perfect for kitchen use. It’s even made of apple tree wood! MacBook Pro-Shaped Cutting Board, € 43,00
You think watching kids head off to school makes you feel old? How about watching the days unravel before your very eyes? 2011 Calendar Scarf, € 55,00
For measuring the depth of the puddles that you jump in, obviously. Rain Level Boots by Regina Regis, € 69,00
All of the nostalgia, none of the little kid germs. Tapi Tap Squeeze Drink Fountain, $5
It’s a furry message board. Think how awesome it would have looked on your dorm room door. Dedo Message Board by Gonçalo Campos, € 110,000
Using these would definitely have gotten you sent to the principal’s office. Someecards Stickies, $10