Strange Bedfellows: Social Media and Marriage Proposals


Mashable reports that over the weekend Digg’s Matt Van Horn leveraged Twitter, Foursquare, and live streaming mobile service Qik to propose to his girlfriend. As the groom-to-be explains it:

“So I had @hutchins hiding with me behind the rock with his iPhone live streaming the proposal and he also had a camera taking photos. I had sent out the link 30 minutes earlier to both our families, so they were watching live. Once I got the signal that she was there, I checked into Bernal Heights Park via Foursquare which shouted the URL to the live stream on Qik, which automatically synced to my Twitter and Facebook accounts. I knew Lauren received my tweets via text message on her phone, so I asked her to turn around as I proposed!”

What do you think: Sweet or too tech-minded for your taste? (We’ve certainly seen geekier.) Either way, we’re willing to bet that they’ll register at Foursquare’s new online store.