What’s on at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we played around with the new web version of Ghostly’s mood-based music player. We found out that teens sexting can lead to… swimming? We were surprised by how much we wanted one of these quilts. We wanted to decorate our apartment Willem Heeffer’s Campbell’s Soup Can Lights. We were happy that we didn’t have to sit through ten of history’s worst traffic jams (note: word is the one in China won’t clear up until September 17th). We craved a big bowl of Mr. T’s cereal. We thought that Jason Eppink and Newmindspace’s installation of “Spoiler Alert” signs at NYC subway stations was an inspired idea. We looked through the Vampire Weekend Contra Girl’s old modeling portfolio. We tried to one up Jesse Eisenberg with our wordsmithery. And finally, we were floored to learn that 25% of men travel with stuffed animals. Do you know one of them?