Today at Flavorpill, we replaced one annoying song in our head with another. We wanted to live in a home that floats. We discovered that we’ve been brushing our teeth with invisible shrimp for almost a decade now. We wished that our hair was as valuable as Troy Polamalu’s is. We wanted to hang a few of these vintage ads on our wall. We were surprised to see an old clip of a young Ryan Seacrest playing a game show host on Beverly Hills 90210. We heartily approved of Improv Everywhere’s latest mission, Black Tie Beach. We wondered what kind of parent would buy their kids Marc Jacobs school supplies. We were happy to see Betty and Don reunited and Peggy getting to do sexy for once on the latest cover of Rolling Stone — in spite of the photoshopping mistakes. And finally, we were super excited for tomorrow, because it’s Ask a Curator Day. Be sure to spread the word!