What’s on at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we got our Hipster Hitler fix. We wanted to buy a foam printer for the office. We bookmarked Faces Of The Last Season of Oprah — a new screencap blog that promises to be epic. We found it highly suspicious that Lady Gaga is issuing gag orders following yesterday’s report that she Single White Female-d the late Lina Morgana’s “image, style, and persona.” We wished The Golden Girls a happy 25th anniversary. We watched pop culture worlds collide as Diablo Cody interviewed Coach Taylor. We wondered if the “Already Been Chewed Burger” comes with a side of chewed up fries. We downloaded Das Racist’s new mixtape, Sit Down, Man. And finally, Jim Henson taught us how to make a Muppet out of common household items. So that’s what we’ll be doing tonight.