What's on at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds In Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we watched a sea lion do downward dog. We read a funny new Sam Lipsyte short story in The New Yorker called “The Dungeon Master.” We experienced 20 years of pop music history in under 3 minutes. We discovered just how much H.G. Wells didn’t like American journalists. We got some solid career advice from Milton Glaser. We decided that our apartments would be so much cleaner if we had this R2D2 vacuum. WE looked at 13 of the strangest sculptures in the world. We met an amorous Florida couple whose antics redefine the term “PDA.” We stumbled upon a slew of new Conan promos. We wished that we could drive like this guy. And finally, we were rather surprised by the results of Gawker’s investigation into which tabloids lie the most. Who knew that Us Weekly was so trustworthy?