By now audiences should know what to expect from a movie starring Simon Pegg. From Shaun of the Dead to Run, Fatboy, Run , he has defined a goofy, slightly crude brand of British humor that American audiences can enjoy. His latest, Burke & Hare — which is a remake of a 1972 film of the same name — follows two 19th-century hustlers (Pegg and Andy Serkis) who begin robbing graves to sell cadavers to a Scottish medical school. From the trailer the humor seems a bit sophomoric — Vulture comments that Pegg and Serkis make “a few too many poop jokes.” However with Isla Fisher as the playful “acrobat” and Tim Curry as Dr. Monroe, Burke & Hare could provide some solid laughs. This is also the first time Landis (Animal House) has directed Pegg, which could make for some memorable moments. Check out the trailer after the jump and let us know what you think.