Today at Flavorpill, we wondered if anyone else was celebrating International Suit Up Day in honor of our favorite bro, Barney Stinson. We wanted to take a bite out of this camera-shaped cookie. We lusted after this beautiful handmade book bound iPad case. We got chills from listening to the 13 of the creepiest, most blood-curdling singers in rock. We imagined what it’d be like if every website, and not just Facebook, got a dramatic movie adaptation. We learned one way not to promote your new single — with a horrible traffic jam. We were surprised to discover that The Human Centipede is considered kid-friendly in the UK. We wished that more people on the Internet loved 30 Rock as much as we do. We looked at some really terrible art. And finally, we decided to leave you with this supercut of famous last words in movies. For us, it will always be “Corn nuts!” FTW.