Today at Flavorpill, we were scandalized by the existence of the iVibrate. We laughed out loud at this description of Gigantic — but we still want to see it. We realized that Gawker changed their tagline to incorporate Defamer. We agreed with Jezebel that this Vanity Fair shot would have been way funnier if the dudes had been naked — even Hannah Montana had more moxie. We learned what Jimmy Fallon can teach newspapers. We were shocked to find out that Judd Apatow is producing Ghostbusters 3 — in fact, we don’t believe it. We were excited to see performance art getting some love at MoMA — but not as excited as we were to see Spinal Tap perform live this summer. We were happy that Guys and Dolls isn’t closing before we have time to write about it. We geeked out over lit nerd Michael Chabon. And finally, we wanted to buy this Woody Allen brooch. But we didn’t. It’s kind of creepy, no?