Ever wonder what happens when you fill a jack-o-lantern with kerosene? Yeah. He did too.
Note: Cauliflower makes fairly convincing brains, actually. This sucker won the Extreme Pumpkin Carving contest in 2009.
From the contestants of the carving contest this year comes this humdinger, complete with a yellow smoke bomb in the mouth. You won’t have to worry about trick-or-treaters with that guy on your stoop.
Another from this year’s competition, complete with carved alien squash baby.
Call us scaredy-cats, but this one looks dangerous, if only for the possibility of impaling yourself if you fall on it.
Attack of the man-eating pumpkins!
This winner from 2008 either created conjoined twins or a really terrifying-looking butt-faced pumpkin.
Perhaps not in the best taste, but certainly scary.
A radioactive jack-o-lantern crystallizes the fears of a nuclear age. You know, in pumpkin form.
You know what they say about sticking your head inside plastic bags. This pumpkin would be a great PSA.