Today at Flavorpill, we discovered 16 viral videos from the age before YouTube. We prayed we never sit next to rotten old Johnny Rotten on an airplane. We were thankful that Christopher Nolan finally (at least sort of) explained Inception. We started getting nervous about what kind of crazy stampedes Black Friday will bring this year. We wondered who would wear these Facebook-inspired sneakers. You know, other than Mark Zuckerberg. We were impressed by how many different ways D.H. Lawrence came up with to say “sex.” We felt like this bride from the ’40s who wore a gown made of turkey feathers took her love of the bird a little too far. We loved Doogie Horner’s illustrated chart of late night talk show hosts. We found out why Rupert Murdoch’s iPad newspaper is totally doomed. We came across one good argument against going home for the holidays. And finally, we decided that is has been way too long since we’ve made a hand-drawn turkey. So that’s what we’re off to do. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!