The Holiday Tourism Map of Manhattan


A few months ago, the wonderful folks behind the Twitter account @FakeMTA brought us the world’s first hipster-friendly subway map of New York. Now they’re back with a map that might convince those denizens of Bushwick not to leave Brooklyn until 2011. It’s the Holiday Tourism Map! You’ll find Al Roker and Large Tree at Rockefeller Center; over at Times Square is where you’ll find your fine dining options: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and who could forget Bubba Gump Shrimp? While the Upper West Side is where you’ll go to visit Seinfeld landmarks, the kids will journey to the Upper East, a.k.a. Gossip Girl-land. Be sure to visit the East Village for your Matted and Framed John Lennon Photo, but you’ll only want to venture to Brooklyn to check out Huxtable territory — otherwise, Whatevs. Click here for the full-size image.