Today at Flavorpill, we mourned the newspaper industry’s new period of decline — we’re think about all of you, especially our friends at the New York Daily News. We were intrigued by John Leonard’s 10 critical words. It made us wonder what ours would be. We stared at the new stimulus logo. We like the New Deal’s more. We checked out some iPhone-generated art. We couldn’t believe that Chris Brown still scored a Nickelodeon Kids Choice nom. What he really deserves is a Barf burger and a bucket of slime. We wondered if people are really walking out of the Watchmen. We got stoked for a Sonic Youth/John Paul Jones dance piece. We entertained the idea of giving Heroes an end date. We watched Billy Corgan take on radio — better late than never? We enjoyed U2’s smart packaging way more than their latest album. We enjoyed this post on the Rose Art Museum. And finally, we caught up with the creepy Witch Mountain kids. They are kind of old now.