People Live in Caves in Missouri [Strange But True]


This is a true story that we thought came from the pages of The Onion: “An eastern Missouri family expects they’ll be able to stay in their home built inside a cave after accepting an offer of a private mortgage contract. Curt Sleeper said Tuesday that a New Jersey-based business offered a 15-year loan with a low interest rate that should allow the family to keep their home in Festus, about 30 miles south of St. Louis.

“‘We’re excited about it.’ To celebrate: ‘We’re throwing a party at a friend’s cave,’ he said.”

If you’re like us, you’re sitting here trying to picture what this looks like. Flintstones minimalist chic? Captain Caveman animal-print wild? Well, you’re in luck!

“The Sleepers built their cave home with the help of friends. A gray timber frame exterior was constructed in the 37-foot-tall opening of the cave. Thirty-seven sliding glass doors also are used as windows throughout the three-story, three-bedroom home, allowing natural light throughout the finished sections of the home.

“The walls and ceiling are natural cave stone, but it has amenities including a large soaking tub in one bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen.”

In short, the Sleepers’ cave kicks your home’s ass. BTW, how much do you love that this family’s last name is Sleepers? We can’t believe we kind of felt sorry for them.

Only in Festus kids, only in Festus.

[Thanks for the tip, Doug.]