The Modern Family That Could Have Been


Modern Family is one of our favorite comedies on TV right now, which might explain why the following news completely blew our mind: “Found the Modern Family pilot script in some old folder on my computer and discovered this interesting cast breakdown with (mostly) temp/wishlist actors as models for the development executives,” explains Weeds writer Stephen Falk. “Very instructive as a writing practice (I do this as well), and interesting to see who they had in mind.” OK, enough teasing. Click through to find out just who he’s talking about.

So, what do you think: Would Craig T. Nelson have made a better Pritchett family patriarch than Ed O’Neil? Could Lisa Kudrow have pulled off a convincing Claire? Can you picture Andy Richter and Tony Hale as Mitch and Cam? Are you as glad as we are that Rico Rodriguez looks nothing like that puny kid who was a placeholder for Manny? Not to mention that we think that Lily looks dead in the eyes. Or are we just being overly protective?

[via Pop Culture Brain]