What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds In Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we explored 7 abandoned breweries from around the world. We were blown away by the interior images of 50 Cent’s 52-room Connecticut mansion, which is currently up for sale. We made a mental note not to ride the luggage carousel to make a flight because it only leads to an arrest on the tarmac. We decided after reading this that we’re naming our next dog José Saramago and teaching him to use an iPad. We looked at self-portraits of Bryan Lewis Saunders created under the influence of various drugs. We were happy to see Glee‘s Darren Criss and Chris Colfer on the cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly, which celebrates gay teen characters on TV. We liked today’s JFK-inspired Google doodle. And finally, we were fascinated by this interview with Harley Morenstein of Epic Meal Time fame — and refuse to believe that no one has ever thrown up after a taping of the online cooking show.