Mark Zuckerberg: Most Awkward SNL Guest Ever?


It was a pretty okay joke for Mark Zuckerberg to guest on SNL, coming on stage while host Jesse Eisenberg (who portrayed him negatively in Oscar nominee The Social Network) did his monologue. If their claim that they had never met before was true, it was a better joke. It would have been a really good joke if they had actually surprised Jesse Eisenberg, or if Mark Zuckerberg had been visibly angry. Instead, it was just wooden and super awkward. Maybe the most awkward thing we’ve ever seen on SNL. And we attribute it mostly to Zuckerberg’s crazy smile. Click through for video, and for the runners up for most unintentionally awkward moments on SNL.

Mark Zuckerberg

AWKBERG! Okay, bad acting aside – Zuckerberg is a supernerd, not an actor, we get it – it’s just uncomfortable. And, yes, the weird acting makes it worse. The one thing we do like is Zuckerberg’s subtle transition from fake-crazy-person smile to real-smile after he says, “Come on, I invented poking.” Yeah, you did.

Ashlee Simpson

Remember this cringeworthy fiasco? Ashlee Simpson exposed for lip-synching in 2004, and what does she do? A weird little jig. Well, at least she had a sense of humor about it…

Sinead O’Connor

Well, we think this is super ballsy, at least in retrospect. Free speech and all that. But Sinead O’Connor’s infamous 1992 musical appearance was certainly super awkward at the time – notice the complete lack of applause – and she basically became an instant pariah.

Sarah Palin

Oh, Sarah Palin in 2008. We don’t like you very much, but we wouldn’t wish this much awkward unfunniness on anyone.

Which guest was most awkward? Or who did we miss?