2011 (click on the image to see a larger version):
For one thing, the before-the-fold image readers will see on the newsstand remains as white as can be: Anne Hathaway, flanked by Perennial Dreamboat Jake Gyllenhaal, Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds, and her Oscars co-host, Weirdest A-Lister of All Time James Franco.
As for the quirkier folks (hi, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield), the indie stars (hey there, Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the barely dressed ladies (Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis), the elderly (Duvall), the foreign (yes, that is on the far right Noomi Rapace), and the non-white (Mackie and Jones)? You’ve got to open up the magazine — which you’ve probably already purchased, by then — to see them.
Perhaps this all happened by chance (although we’re guessing VF‘s biggest cover of the year sees its share of pre-publication scrutiny). And it still represents a significant improvement over 2010’s depressingly homogeneous version. But next year, in the spirit of progress, we’d love to see a Hollywood Issue that dares to spotlight even a single non-mainstream, non-white, non-young, or not conventionally super-hot actor before the fold.