What’s On: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we were surprised by how easy it looks to make a heart-shaped egg. We listened to five seconds of every number one song ever. We wanted to score one of these belt buckles that holds your MetroCard. We were impressed by the size of Michael Craughwell’s swords. We learned how to be a Twitter guru in six easy tweets. We watched the surprisingly well-done extended trailer for a gritty, R-rated sequel to E.T. We couldn’t believe that it was actually Tina Fey singing that awful Joni Mitchell–style ballad called “Paints and Brushes” in last week’s episode of 30 Rock. We witnessed the birth of a Ford Model-T. We streamed Lykke Li’s entire new album. And finally, we thought we should pass along this handy chart on why PBS is worth saving, in case you were looking for some extra ammunition. For more information on the issue, visit 170 Million Americans.