If you answered mostly A’s: You’re Charlie Sheen. You managed to get a stupidly successful TV show canceled, you can’t stop terrorizing hookers, and your drug-related escapades often land you in the hospital. But hey, at least you’re “winning.”
If you answered mostly B’s: You’re John Mayer. Perhaps you’re not as kooky as the other people on this list, but you may want to expand your sexual horizons (in real life, not through porn) and learn when to keep your goddamn mouth shut.
If you answered mostly C’s: You’re Mel Gibson. Congratulations, you are batshit insane. Have fun with that beaver movie, though.
If you answered mostly D’s: You’re Tom Cruise. Sometime around 1990, the ghost of L. Ron Hubbard landed his spaceship in your backyard and replaced the contents of your brain with the full text of Dianetics. Now, you are either 100% self-actualized or 100% nutso-pants.