Photo Gallery: Bored Children at Disneyland


Remember when you were a kid, and Disneyland seemed like a chocolate-coated mecca, all sparkling and full of magic? And then you finally got your parents to take you and it was hot and sticky and you found out the human-size Mickey Mouse didn’t talk and you spent most of the time with your head leaning against your father’s fanny-pack? Well, consider that precious childhood emotion captured. Photographer and graphic designer Arin Fishkin’s photographic series entitled “The Waiting is the Hardest Part: Delayed Gratification in the Happiest Place on Earth” which we discovered over on Laughing Squid, shows children patiently — or less patiently — waiting to meet Minnie or to get a spot on their favorite rides. Click through for candid photographs of kids looking totally bored at Disneyland.