Attention LA: Nominate Your Favorite Buildings


In the past, Los Angeles has had some major historic preservation casualties; iconic structures like the Ambassador Hotel have been systematically destroyed in spite of efforts made by dedicated organizations like the LA Conservancy. Now, the Getty Conservation Institute, the LA Office of Historic Resources, and the Library Foundation of Los Angeles are launching MyhistoricLA, and its centerpiece, SurveyLA — a three-year, citywide research project seeking to identify the most valuable historic architectural and community resources across the City of Angels. The Central Library, itself a Modernist/Beaux Arts marvel, hosts MYhistoricLA’s kickoff April 4, with an all-day public discussion and video event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Over the course of the next 36 months, participants will supply survey officials with the names of sites they consider to be especially valuable to the cultural heritage of LA, and are encouraged to share personal as well as historical anecdotes in support of their nominations.

Here at Flavorpill we want to help get the barn-praising going, so please comment away with your best-loved edificial gems. To get you started, we thought we’d share a sampling of our editors’ top picks…

Bergamot Station Arts Center (Managing Editor Shana Nys Dambrot’s vote) Watts Towers Bradbury Building The Gamble House Sponto Gallery/Venice West Poets’ Cafe The Oviatt Building Leonis Adobe (Deputy Editor Tanja Laden’s vote) The Aztec Hotel Eastern Columbia Building Canter’s Deli Hollyhock House at Barnsdall Art Park Topanga Rodeo Grounds