Today at Flavorpill, we saw what it would look like if Super Mario Bros. was adapted into a live action indie drama. We said farewell to the Zune, which we actually didn’t realize was still being produced. We decided that we’re going to have to be a lot more discriminate about what we shop for on Etsy. We listened to a new song from the National that’s on the Win Win soundtrack. We found out why we shouldn’t be freaked out that the earthquake in Japan shortened Earth’s day by 1.8 millionths of a second. We wondered how many of our friends would agree to have a company’s logo tattooed to their calves in exchange for a free iPad 2. We stumbled upon A Tale of Two Sisters, a 1989 Troma film based on the poetry of Charlie Sheen (and narrated by the actor himself). And finally, we laughed out loud over Al Roker’s high school yearbook photo. We’re guessing he wasn’t one of the cool kids…