Spoiler alert: It’s April Fools’ Day. Everyone’s on board now, yes? We’ve already come across some real gems.
Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink: 144 character stories for the New York Post would be one thing, but the Guardian? Come on. We kid cause we love.
Guantanamo ‘fun’ – Miss Universe: There goes the British press taking the piss again. Except the BBC didn’t make this one up.
Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity: Google going deep like you knew they would. Needs more math jokes though.
Fiction world rocked as woman claims no sexual attraction to Neil Gaiman: True story, but we’re not sure about this one.
Björk joins Led Zeppelin: Like peanut butter and jelly.
Al Gore announces new line of organic vegan frozen foods: An inconvenient lie.
Qualcomm – Convergence: But wolfpigions beat crocoeagles.
And among Flavorpill’s own contributions, here’s a show we’re wholeheartedly endorsing: The Freake Folke Fridge Faire. And judging by the comments, everyone’s with us. Or mad at us.
And for the motherload, here’s a comprehensive list of Interweb spoofery. Let us know what your favorites are.