Björk’s new project Biophilia is out later this year, and it sounds… well, it sounds fairly mental, to be honest. The album was recorded partly on an iPad and will apparently be released as a series of apps. Its release is preceded by a live show at this year’s Manchester International Festival, and it sounds like the singer is pulling out all stops to make the whole thing as unique as possible: the new show will feature, among other things, “a 30 foot pendulum that harnesses the earth’s gravitational pull to create musical patterns.” There’s also a digitally-controlled pipe organ, a “one-off extraordinary pin barrel harp,” and something called a “gamelan-celeste hybrid”. (Our old friend Wikipedia tells us that a gamelan is “a musical ensemble from Indonesia, typically from the islands of Bali or Java,” while a celeste is some sort of esoteric keyboard). Ye gods. It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure. [via Dazed]