This Week in Buzz


Editor’s note: Each Friday, our internet-savvy friends over at BuzzFeed curate a post for us that’s filled with links to some of their favorite items on the web that week. Enjoy!

The final week of March has come and gone, spring is in the air, and for some that means it’s time to have sex in public. No, really. The week began with Community star Donald Glover Tweeting these candid shots of a couple getting intimate inside of a Bank of America. [Insert tasteless joke about “making a deposit” here.] Three days later, this other couple was spotted smooshing parts on a rooftop somewhere on the University of Southern California campus.

All of the viral attention around these rooftop photos also seems to have sparked a resurgence in interest for the photos of award-winning aerial photographer Yann Arthus Bertrand. In other curious photography trends, this collection of unusable stock photos seems to be composed of shots that are perfect for situations so specific, that they probably never occur at all. Cyber woman with corn? WTF?

Perez Hilton celebrated his 33rd birthday last week, where Glee cast-member Darren Criss performed a very inebriated rendition of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream.”

A poisonous Egyptian cobra escaped its prison in the Bronx Zoo earlier this week, taking to Twitter to document its experience as a free snake. There are plenty of sources to hear about the story, but the most viral in our corner of the web was this conversation between twin toddlers. For the sake of full disclosure, the twin boys in the video weren’t really discussing the Bronx Zoo Cobra, as far as we know. Their video was just beginning to go viral and we knew it was just begging for subtitles!

Banking on the success of The Jersey Shore, a new reality TV show is hoping to replace the stereotype of the overachieving Asian with something more along the lines of AZN Pride. The kids of K-Town look equally as trashy as Pauly D and Snooki… so cheers to that, for what it’s worth.

Barefoot Contessa chef Ina Garten coldly ignored a 6-year-old Leukemia sufferer’s one wish to meet her. After Garten’s refusal made headlines, she experienced a change of heart, although young Enzo was already over her, looking forward to swimming with dolphins!