Today at Flavorpill, we watched the Doctor Who gang read celebrity tweets in American accents. We were surprised to hear that Facebook has been canceling the accounts of users who posted Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World (maybe they should try using this version instead). We found out what the stars of the original Scream are up to these days. We discovered what it’s like to be the “Can you hear me now?” guy. We were grossed out by the amount of corn syrup we’ll consume in our lifetime — approximately a hot tub’s worth. We liked Sound of the City’s roundup of the 10 best musician/comic artist friendships. We thought that Adele looked totally amazing on the cover of the new Rolling Stone. We learned how to dig jive talk. We decided that we prefer this music video for Kanye West’s “Power” that was animated using home made GIFs to the real thing. And finally, we wondered if this strange Iggy Pop doll is oldest action figure on the market.