Hey, film fans! Are you ready for the brand-new movie from “WETA Digital, the visual effects company for Avatar“? Oh yeah, and it’s an awkwardly titled Planet of the Apes prequel starring James Franco, Freida Pinto, and John Lithgow (don’t get excited; he isn’t in this trailer). 20th Century Fox’s decision to spotlight Rise of the Planet of the Apes‘s visual effects over the cast or story does, at least, seem honest: Besides Franco grandstanding at a meeting in some kind of futuristic war room, there isn’t much acting in this preview (unless you count the CGI ape who seems to evolve into an super-intelligent being right before our eyes, which is impressive). What we do see is a whole lot of simians inciting mayhem in the streets. Say what you will about Your Highness, but we’ve seen it, and this looks worse. Watch the trailer after the jump and tell us whether you’ll be seeing it August 5th.
[via Pop Culture Brain]