What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we bookmarked a recipe for the Ron Swanson Turkey Burger, a dish which involves inserting a fried turkey leg inside a grilled hamburger. We watched a gorgeous video about how hourglasses are made. We decided that we would pay money to see The Lonely Island in Ghostbutt-sters if it really existed. We were happy to hear that New Yorkers are the least likely of Americans to commit suicide. We found an interesting take on the Jennifer Egan “chick lit” drama over on The Millions. We imagined what it would be like to have a stroke in your mid-20s. We looked at 30 examples of bizarre and creative packaging design. We wondered what this newly-discovered 500-year-old copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle smells like. We read some startling statistics about how many people actually read books today. And finally, we were thrilled to see that the premiere of Season 15 of South Park will take down Apple Human Centipede-style.