Help Free LA Graffiti Artist Revok


Last week, Revok — a noted LA graffiti artist whose work is currently being featured in the MOCA’s Art in the Streets exhibition — was nabbed by cops at LAX after failing to pay $3,764.97 in restitution to victims whose property he had vandalized. He now faces 180 days behind bars for violating the terms of his probation. While the LAPD claims his arrest is just part of its “all-out war” against graffiti,” and not tied to the show at MOCA, it’s just one of many incidents in recent weeks that point to an increased crackdown. To show your support for Revok, tweet #FREEREVOK, and let the world know what you think about putting street artists behind bars. You can also head over to 1xRUN, where they’re selling a limited-edition print by Revok’s friend Askew, with 100% of the proceeds going toward his legal defense fund.