What's On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds at Our Office


Today at Flavorpilll, we witnessed what happens when the steampunk and Juggalo subcultures join forces. We were impressed by this elaborate Wu-Tang nail art. We explored the secret life of libraries. We read about the rise of post modern tourism, which means trips to locations like Roswell and Chernobyl. We wished that we could afford any of the pieces in this gallery of Sonic Youth-related art that will be auctioned off later this month. We wondered how in the world so many NYC teens seem to have no clue who The Beatles are. We were happy to hear that Larry David will be playing a nun in the upcoming Three Stooges movie. We were scared by the part of us that secretly wants to own the Kate Middleton Bridal Doll. And finally we grimaced as Miley Cyrus decided to cover “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Warning: Depending on how much you love Nirvana, you might not be able to stomach it.