Crazy Street Art Carvings by Alexandre Farto


Alexandre Farto aka Vhils — a Portuguese, London-based street artist whose work we discovered on Bored Panda — creates large-scale portraits (often of famous faces) by scratching and chipping away at the plaster of abandoned buildings’ walls. Sometimes his process involves explosives. “My pieces are in permanent transformation -– an intentional transformation,” he has explained. “The entire scope of human endeavor has been aimed at fixating, at creating institutional structures which can oppose change, maintain. And nature is the exact opposite of this, a permanent state of transformation, mutation, change. I’m interested not only in highlighting this ephemeral condition, but also in instigating it, in encouraging it.” Click through to check out a gallery of some of his work.

Alexandre Farto – London

Alexandre Farto – Italy

Alexandre Farto – London

Alexandre Farto – London

Alexandre Farto – London

Alexandre Farto – London

Alexandre Farto – Moscow

Alexandre Farto – New York

Alexandre Farto – Portugal

Alexandre Farto – Moscow