Today at Flavorpill, we felt really old after reading this list. We loved this visual comparison between Disney’s Cinderella and the Royal Wedding — especially the connection between the wicked stepsisters and Fergie’s daughters. We were glad that this crazy woman is not our mother. (Can you imagine getting Botox at 8 years old?!) We discovered why seeing Bridesmaids in its opening weekend is our social responsibility. We looked of some photos of Courtney Love back in her stripper days. We watched a zombie-inspired promo for the Worldwide Short Film Festival based on the “Charlie Bit My Finger” meme. We found this collection of nuclear weapons testing photos almost impossible to comprehend — or look away from. We went inside of Thomas Edison’s workshop. We hoped never to be caught on film getting this excited over fast food. And finally, we argued over whether these were really the 10 best TV episodes of the 2010-2011 season — but we definitely agree with their number one pick.