Today at Flavorpill, we saw the 90s-est thing that we had ever seen. We met the model behind the enormous hands on the cover of Tina Fey’s Bossypants. We learned how to look punk, thanks to this zine from 1977. We got Baroness Elsa Schraeder’s side of the story behind her breakup with Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music. We wondered what exciting things Jay-Z’s new development deal with Adult Swim will bring. We felt compelled to adopt a pair of sea otters, just so that we could watch them sleep. We liked io9’s roundup of the 10 most frightening TV horror series ever made. We watched both the real and imaginary Andy Samberg converse with Bert on Sesame Street. We wanted to know the story behind these cement filled Budweiser nun chucks. We laughed out loud over this Nancy Drew mystery cartoon. And finally, after seeing this preview of Amy Poehler’s upcoming photo spread in New York Magazine, we couldn’t wait to get ours hands on the issue when it hits stands.