What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we decided that architecture tattoos are only lame in certain cases. We were excited by reports that Jane Lynch might be hosting this year’s Emmys. We watched President Obama play a round of ping-pong with British Prime Minister David Cameron. We wanted to get our hands on this wooden pinhole camera from Kurt Mottweiller Studios. We watched Chris Crocker turn on Britney Spears. We loved Terence Chang’s long exposure photos of the air traffic above San Francisco International Airport. We were impressed by a portrait of dearly departed designer Tobias Wong that’s made out of over 13,000 dice. We read an interview with Apple’s first CEO whose name is — we kid you not — Michael Scott. And finally, we couldn’t believe this before and after picture of a neighborhood in Joplin, Missouri, snapped by photographer Aaron Fuhrman. It’s almost impossible to believe you’re looking at the same place.