Letter: John Lennon Apologizes to Pam Grier “for Being So Rude”


Picture this: It’s March 11, 1974. The crowd assembled to see the Smothers Brothers at Los Angeles’s Troubador includes John Lennon, Harry Nilsson, and Pam Grier. Lennon, Nilsson, and their entourage are trashed, and their heckling gets them dragged out of the club. (We have to imagine that, as a universally loved superstar of Lennon’s caliber, your behavior has to be pretty freaking terrible to get you kicked out of a rowdy West Hollywood music venue.) And that’s when, according to reports, Lennon gets slappy with a photographer.

Although the night itself has lived in infamy for decades, we didn’t realize there was a postscript: Letters of Note points us to a missive Lennon sent, accompanied by some flowers, to Grier. Apparently, they met that evening, and she was kicked out of the Troub by association. You know you’ve had a bad night when you have to follow it up with a letter to a lady you just met that includes the line, “thank you for not hitting me.” Meanwhile, we’re wondering where Yoko was that evening. See Lennon’s note after the jump.