Today at Flavorpill, we watched Jessica Biel’s new ad for Revlon because it was directed by Darren Aronofsky. We got a kick out of Robyn’s solo dance routine in her new music video for “Call Your Girlfriend” — maybe she’s been taking lessons from Thom Yorke? We finally got the true story from George Lucas on why his Star Wars prequels are so awful. We took the Naipaul test. We chuckled over the New Yorker’s corrections to The Awl’s post on the history of profanity in the New Yorker. We were excited to see that will be resurrecting Jane Magazine’s former “makeunder” feature — doesn’t Tinsley Mortimer look so much younger? We were happy to read that “tech rebel” Harper Reed has been named the CTO of Obama’s re-election campaign. We learned the physics behind why it’s so hard to execute a triple back flip on a bike. We heard that Michael Cera will be guest starring in an episode of The Simpsons as a love interest for Lisa. And finally, we hoped that the new “dumbed down” dietary guidelines will result in fewer obese kids (and adults).