Literary Classics Redesigned as Vintage Polish Editions


Do you ever think about what your favorite novel would look like if it was published in another country, or even another time? Amazing art blog 50 Watts recently held a contest in which it asked its readers to design the Polish editions of their favorite books, whether contemporary or vintage. Since 50 Watts is chock full of Polish eye candy to begin with, we were confident from the jump that their design-minded denizens would come up with some wonderful stuff. And come up they did! Click through to see the recently announced winners and some of our other favorites from the contest, or get ready to overdose on more imagined book covers over at the site.

1984 , George Orwell

The winner! Design by Ben Jones.

The Baron in the Trees , Italo Calvino

Second place. Design by Singeon (Nicolas Gallet).

House of Leaves , Mark Z. Danielewski

Designed by Bas Alberts.

Choke , Chuck Palahniuk

Design by Elena Giavaldi.

The Lord of the Rings , J.R.R Tolkien

Design by Bas Alberts.

To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee

Design by Marc Storrs and Rob Morphy.

Pulp , Charles Bukowski

Design by Anna Kövecses.

The Monochrome Madonna , Kalpana Swaminathan

Design by Bhavi Mehta.

Lolita , Vladimir Nabokov

Design by Emmanuel Polanco.

Blood Meridian , Cormac McCarthy

Design by Carlos Pozo.

Inherent Vice , Thomas Pynchon

Design by Daniel Carter.

The Lord of the Flies , William Golding

Design by Louis Wood.

The Fountainhead , Ayn Rand

Design by Bas Alberts.