Any interview with Woody Allen is a good read, full of quotable gems and ample endearing anxiety. But add French New Wave legend Jean-Luc Godard into the mix and you have a conversation between two of the world’s most brilliant living filmmakers. Godard’s short film Meetin’ WA, shot in 1986, is 26 minutes of Allen talking about his lifelong love of cinema (he loved theaters as a kid because he could “avoid the heat and avoid the light”); his gratitude to the media, which “has always been good to me, more than I deserve”; and the process of filmmaking, from perfect idea to deeply flawed final product. They even talk about their mutual appreciation for intertitles. The introduction to the movie is in French, but most of the interview is conducted in English — so rejoice, film nerds, after the jump.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
[via Dangerous Minds]