Striking Photos of Life Without Text


The urban landscape is full of words: Brands, product names, store signs, street directions and direction to stores full of brand name products… Enough! American photographer Matt Siber has Photoshopped it all away in his project Untitled . He captured North American, European, and Chinese cities and manipulated the images, erasing all printed words. What’s left? Blank billboards. Empty space. Mysterious signs. Ad models without a motive. A big, bright void. Exploring the role texts play in the modern environment, the project also points to its “alternative forms of communication” — nameless but recognizable symbols, logos and colors schemes. Check out the wordless Untitled photos alongside the digitally removed text in our gallery.

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series

Matt Siber, from the Untitled series