Today at Flavorpill, we vowed to try every drink on this list of 20 alcoholic beverages inspired by the Harry Potter series. We discovered that bee wearing is a competitive sport. We argued over which bad cliche we’d like to see banned for good. We wondered if anyone watching iCarly has ever seen The Wire. We witnessed the Olsens trying their best to sell us overpriced t-shirts. We wondered how the British teen in this nutty photo managed to make it look like he was biking on water. We remembered a time when Comic-Con was actually about comics. We were proud that a New Yorker (Rep. Louise Slaughter) topped The Awl’s list of members of congress who have totally metal names. We wanted to warn Robin about this statue of Batman and Superman getting cozy in Rome’s Villa Borghese gardens. We pitted Jordan Catalano against Tim Riggins — and decided that Riggins totally wins. And finally, we were both impressed and slightly horrified to hear just how far Bridesmaids star Melissa McCarthy will go for a laugh.