Experience a Distillation of Life in a Day at a Theater Near You


Last year, director Kevin Macdonald and producer Ridley Scott teamed up for an ambitious, globe-spanning undertaking. They challenged people all over the world to film a video snapshot of their life on a specific day — July 24, 2010 — and submit it via YouTube for potential inclusion in what would become the feature-length Life in a Day. More than 80,000 clips were sent in for the documentary, with 1,125 chosen for inclusion in the final product.

The result is a breathtaking overview of existence on Earth in the 21st century, spanning cultures, countries, and individual outlooks. Following its Sundance premiere this January, the film is going into limited release in theaters starting July 29; but prior to that, it will receive a one-night only premiere in cinemas all over the country this Sunday, July 24. Click through to watch the trailer, learn more about the film, and find where Life in a Day is screening near you.

In his call for footage, Macdonald gave people the freedom to film whatever they liked, but posed three questions to keep in mind: What do you fear the most? What do you love? And what makes you laugh? He also asked entrants to record what was in their pockets — a way to get a glimpse into the detritus and curiosities that can provide surprising insight into our daily lives.

To watch the whole documentary, find a theater near you where Life in a Day is premiering on July 24; or visit the film’s official website to see full release dates beginning July 29. While you’re there, you can also explore an interactive map of submissions from around the globe, watch more clips from the film, and even learn how to make your own remix of the trailer, which could end up being featured on the site.

Director Kevin Macdonald’s original call for footage for Life in a Day